Fan activation in sports

The comprehensive solution for more news power, a more active fan community and more effective marketing

Connect fan data of any kind

Eliminate data silos and get a 360° view with usable real-time data:

  • Behavioral data from numerous channels
  • Transactional data (tickets, store purchases, etc.)
  • Interactions, interests and preferences

Interpret interactions in real time

Understand your followers and individual fan segments thanks to activatable behavioral data:

  • Fan behavior on various channels and interaction tools
  • Preferred content, topics and categories
  • Visible fan networks through sharing activities




Social (Instagram, Facebook, X and Linkedin)

Live ticker

Mail / Push Notification (Firebase)

Content Hub

Communicate and interact with your fan environment via all relevant channels:

  • Central control, creation and distribution of all dynamic content
  • Efficient content creation with the option of channel-specific customization
  • Cross-channel content playout at the touch of a button or automated at a selected time

Popular function from the Content Hub in sport

Live ticker

Mit dem interaktiven Ticker können Sie ein einzigartiges Live-Erlebnis für Ihre Fans schaffen.

  • Connection of real-time sports data
  • Simple integration of prepared content
  • Targeted engagement through interaction tools
  • Innovative marketing of ticker formats and individual match situations

Fan Engagement

Play your way into the hearts of fans with relevant content and take advantage of the resulting increase in engagement:

  • Linking content with interaction tools
  • Engagement analytics for more fan knowledge
  • Reach, relevance and activation thanks to sharing function, fan voting (“Player of the Match”, etc.), forms (event registrations, prize draws, etc.) and payment

Make your sports organization a digital champion.

  • Exciting insights from the sports industry
  • Unique use cases
  • Insightful survey results

How to turn contacts into an active fan community

No two fans are the same. The better you know your most important target group, the more successful your club will be.

How to turn contacts into an active fan community

No two fans are the same. The better you know your most important target group, the more successful your club will be.


Create an individual user experience for different fan segments through personalized content.


Provide your fans with suitable news and content on an ongoing and fully automated basis.


Take a closer look at the interactions of your fans, reward them and create an active community.

Fan Portal

A digital home for all supporters of your club:

  • Configurable fan profile with contact details
  • Personalized news hub based on set interests and news preferences
  • Exclusive content for registered fans
  • Overview of own activities and purchases
  • Loyalty program with points and rewards


Make targeted use of new marketing potential in the digital space and increase revenue from sponsoring and presentations:

  • New marketing space thanks to innovative formats such as interactive ticker, excl. News
  • Visible engagements, interactions and interests down to the level of the individual fan
  • Easy collection of donations and direct sales through integrated payment tool

Case Studies

Data-driven marketing for more success.